Brevan Howard

An enduring partnership from 2002 and still going strong


Fin has supported Brevan Howard’s success since their inception in 2002, having created the name and the brand of Brevan Howard, and more recently with their Coremont offshoot.

Since then, we have successfully delivered their funds’ report and accounts each and every half year.

As with everything in life, the fund reports have not stood still and evolved over the years, the examples below are from 2011.


Brevan Howard Fund Report Examples

Today, we still produce their funds’ annual and interim fund reports, each with over 60 pages consisting of heavy data, tables, long and short form content and images where needed.


Brevan Howard Report Covers

Due to confidentiality for our clients our publishing boundaries to the public are limited.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss how Fin can help you make a difference and build investor brand loyalty by calling on +44 (0)7506 552599 or email on
Eliza Mould

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